Virginia is very tall and Vita is very well-dressed. They write books, lots of letters to each other, go to some parties, and have sex a couple times in luxurious settings. Their husbands make noises in the background. Vita moves on to other girlfriends and Virginia writes Orlando. They cry but stay friends. The end.
L. said: I’d give it a seven. I said: Yeah, it wasn’t bad the way I thought it would be bad.
Jim said: I hated it. Allen said: If it had been a foreign film with no subtitles I would have liked it a lot.
Lauretta and Susan and I agreed: It had moments. I … Read more
I write with a fountain pen. An Esterbrook plunger model. Not just because it’s eco, or because Patricia Highsmith favored Esterbrooks, or because I’m a luddite contrarian, although all these things are true. I use it because it feels good in my hand and the ink goes from dark to peacock blue as it dries and because every time I have to refill it– Continue reading →